25+ YouTube Channels For WordPress Video Tutorials

WordPress is a little bit technical and maybe intimidating if you are new to it, right?

This was true for everyone who started using it years ago, but things have changed over the years, especially now with the number of tutorials you can find online.

There is nothing better than learning about WordPress from watching video tutorials, and the number of people who talk about WordPress on YouTube and try to simplify things has increased, making it easier for anyone to kickstart their blog/site in less time.

To help you to get the best WordPress video tutorials, I have compiled a list of the top YouTube channels to follow if you have a WordPress blog or plan to have one. You can’t go wrong by following any of the people on this list. It is that good. 🙂

Also Read:

Let’s start with the first channel.

1. Tyler Moore

Tyler has one of the most established channels that help people who want to build a website. The channel is especially good at helping people create their own professional looking website without having any coding experiences.

As he says, he shows you step by step way without skipping any steps. He has a huge 1 hour and 2 hour long videos to show you everything in one shot.

You need to check him out if you want to build any type of WordPress site. You’ll find he may already have a video created for your WordPress web design needs.

2. WPBeginner

There’s probably no one who has been running a WordPress site but doesn’t know about WPBeginner. Everyone is familiar with this blog.

The good news is that they have been creating a video every week for a few years now to help people with everything related to WordPress. This makes it easier for people to do things with WordPress without hiring a developer.

3. Darrel Wilson

Darrel creates awesome videos to help you deal with the technical parts of WordPress. He also creates awesome reviews about different themes and plugins, and he details everything you need to know in these videos.

He has been doing it consistently now for over 2 years, and he is doing a good job with it.

4. WPCrafter

WPCrafter is created by Adam Preiser. He is best known for his engaging style in creating videos. He has been creating videos consistently for a few years now. He just passed 100k subs, and I think he deserves more than that honestly.

He has detailed tutorials, reviews, and tactics videos to help you with every topic related to WordPress.

5. Website Learners

Created by a team in India, Website Learners is a fairly new channel. They have short, straightforward videos to help you with things related to WordPress.

The channel is growing fast, and I expect it to be a full-fledged channel with topics covering everything related to WordPress soon.

6. Elegant Themes

Elegant Themes has been in the market for a while, and they are known for providing high-quality premium themes without charging an insane amount of money.

The channel is created to help you specifically with their themes and their Divi page builder, but you will find general WordPress tutorials there as well. It is a great channel to check especially if you already have one of their themes or their page builder.

7. James Stafford

James is the founder of Websites Made Easy, where he shares step-by-step tutorials to help you with everything related to WordPress, so you can create your own website easily in no time. You really need to check out his channel. He doesn’t publish frequently, but when he does, expect a highly-detailed tutorial.

8. Ferdy Korpershoek

Ferdy created this channel in 2014, and it has grown to over 74k subscribers over time. He shares great tutorials to help beginners get started with WordPress and create their site to make money.

He also creates more tutorials about list building, SEO, and other things you need to grow your site and business online. Go check out his channel.

9. WPLearningLab

If you have a WordPress site, then this channel is one that you really need to check out. Created by Bjorn, WP Learning Lab is full of WP tutorials to help you develop the skills needed to create your business website and to run it seamlessly.

He covers everything from the fundamentals to the advanced skills you need in building a WP based site, so you are in for a treat.

10. Nayyar Shaikh

Nayyar has been creating videos consistently for this channel for over 2 years now. He creates highly detailed video tutorials to help you with everything you may need in building your website.

His latest video about how to create a booking site on WordPress is a great example of what I mean. The videos are usually 2-and-half-hours long that take you by the hand through every step, leaving nothing behind.

11. WPTuts

Created by the team at WP Tuts, you are in for a treat if you want to learn how to grow your site using only a few tools.

Basically, you will master everything related to Elementor plugin, Ocean WP, Astra, Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, and a few other tools.  Expect high-quality tutorials every Wednesdays.

12. Elementor Page Builder for WordPress

Who doesn’t know the Elementor Page Builder by now? With over 2M active installs, it’s the most popular page builder.

Elementor has a YouTube channel to help you master the plugin and get the most out of it. If you are just starting out with the plugin and have very little knowledge about it, I suggest you check their 101 playlist. If you want to play with their tools, check out the rest of their videos and keep up to date with new ones. You’ll love their videos.

13. Hogan Chua

Hogan created this channel with the purpose of teaching only the necessary stuff that you need to build your website. His style is akin to teaching himself as if he were just starting out back in 2011.

Sometimes the essentials are missed in other channels but worry no more when you visit his awesome channel. He doesn’t create regular videos, but when he does, it is a great one.


Rana has an awesome edutainment channel that is created to help you not just with WordPress, but also with visual effects, motion graphics, as well as 2D animation. That means you would expect videos about Photoshop, After Effects, and other tools. Maybe, you don’t need to use them all, but his videos are detailed.


Previously called WP User TV, Mak created his channel in 2009. He has been helping people with everything related to WordPress. Lately, he has been covering a wider range of topics, discussing funnels, making money on Amazon and other related topics to help you build a profitable business at the end.

16. Kori Ashton

Are you looking for simple, highly engaging videos to help answer your questions? Then look no further. The Ask Kori show is a great show that offers straightforward videos to answer different questions related to WordPress.

Not only that, she has been talking about everything related to digital marketing recently. You really need to check her videos.

17. WP Eagle

Created by Alex, WP Eagle is a great channel that is full of WP tutorials that cover everything related to creating a WordPress site, WP plugins, SEO, and affiliate marketing.

His affiliate marketing videos are great to watch if you want to monetize your site and earn a living from your blog. He also does live stream every Wednesday. You can ask him questions during live streams.

18. Greg Narayan

Greg created his channel to help people with everything related to creating a WordPress site or making an e-commerce store. He also covers related topics like blogging, SEO, advertising and other related topics. He is the founder of Dearblogger.org.

19. Let’s Build WordPress

Created by Martie, this channel is created to help people build things using WordPress, especially for those who have no previous experience in this matter. He takes pride in creating easy-to-follow videos for beginners who know nothing about coding. The videos are simple and straightforward.

20. ThemeIsle

ThemeIsle is known for their high-quality themes. They created this channel to share tutorials and reviews for beginners and advanced users. The channel was started at the beginning as a resource for their customers who just launched their first WordPress website. It is a great resource even if you don’t use their products.

21. Josh Hall

This channel is a fairly new one compared to others on this list. But don’t let that fool you. I mentioned his channel in this post because his tutorials are top notch. The channel is geared more towards web designers. He focuses more on Divi, so you should follow his channel if you plan on using Divi. He also shares general videos. Overall, it is a great channel to check out.

22. Dave Foy

Dave created this channel to help graphic designers who don’t code but want to build a beautiful website on WordPress. It is really a great channel if you have design experience or background but don’t want to or don’t know how to write a single code.

23. WebsiteWizard.tv

Website Wizard is a channel that you can consider to be a library of great resources for helping you create your WordPress site without touching a single line of code. Their videos are user-friendly. They also share other tutorials to help you with getting traffic and making money from your website.


24. PluginTut

If you want tutorials that help you with different plugins and themes and teaches you how to get the most out of these plugins, then look no further.

So if you want to learn how to use plugins like Beaver Builder, Divi, Ninja Forms, Gravity Forms, Woocommerce, or others, then check out this channel. Matt’s tutorials are top notch.

25. John from Income Mesh

John created this channel not just to help you with WordPress, but his main focus is about conversions and making the income from your blog. It is a great channel to add to the list if you are serious about your WordPress site and want to make money from it.

26. WP Answered

WP Answered is comparatively a new channel. But it has already published some quality tutorial videos. Ben Sibley is the man behind this channel. He is the founder of a popular WordPress themes provider company called CompeteThemes.

Did I Miss Any Channel?

YouTube is growing at a rapid pace. Video content is estimated to be more important than written content by next year. More and more channels are being created every day, and we surely may have missed a great number of these WordPress tutorial channels.

Although I can assure you that the channels on this list are great, I would be happy to hear from you if we missed any great channel.

And tell us in the comments which ones you are subscribed to, and which channel surprised you that you didn’t know about before. I’m waiting to hear from you in the comments section below.

16 responses to “25+ YouTube Channels For WordPress Video Tutorials”

  1. Bjorn Avatar

    Hey guys, thanks for thinking to including my channel on your list! Much appreciated 🙂

    1. Bjorn Avatar

      And I meant “to include”, of course 😉

      1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
        Istiak Rayhan

        You deserved to be on the list. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Ben Sibley Avatar
    Ben Sibley

    My Youtube channel is brand new, but I’ve got a lot more tutorials on the way. Finishing up my first full-length course now 😉

    Here’s the channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQxqgZ-xV-cd1hLA02EJQw/

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Hi Ben,

      You have a nice channel. I’ll include it on the list. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Barry Avatar

    Great list. I’ve been following eMediaCoach for a while, super clear instructions (https://www.youtube.com/user/eMediaCoach)

  4. WPKlik Avatar

    Great list Istiak, hopefully in some time our channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5XjdWMRRl2ya_tlcEjbH3Q) will deserve the spot on similar one

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Sure. I’ll be adding your channel in the next post update.

  5. Dragos Avatar


    Nice list. Maybe you can include also https://www.youtube.com/wpdoze
    It is having interesting videos.


    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      I’ll be adding your channel in the next post update.

  6. Alex Cooper Avatar

    Thanks for including me in this list. Honoured to be among so many great channels..

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      You deserve to be on the list, Alex. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Sazzadul Bari Avatar

    Thanks for the article, pretty cool listing but you have missed another one that is doing great. Here is the WPManageNInja channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiyeXfnGx9e06hXWf0Hz7ow/videos
    This is a WordPress based YouTube channel for WordPress users.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Thanks for sharing, Sazzad. I’ll definitely check it out.

  8. Brin Wilson Avatar

    Yup, I’d say you missed the WinningWP channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt8Sa48zWN_WcordE7TaUBg/videos (Note: Brin from WinningWP writing this). 😛

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Yes, I’ve totally missed it. I’ll add your channel soon. BTW, have you noticed our other posts (1 2) where we have mentioned you?

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